Somali National Army kills 43 AlShabaab militants in sting raid

A National Army (SNA) led operation against Al-Shabaab in the Jamame town has left 43 militants killed.
Military reports indicate the attack targeted Aden Abdirahman Adan and his deputy Idris Abdirahim Nor, who is from Kenya in Al-Shabaab camp outside the remote district.
The government said that there were 43 members of Al-Shabaab in the area of the attack, including fighters who were preparing for an operation.
The operation targeted a place where Al-Shabaab officials were meeting in an area 14 kilometers away from Jamame district in Lower Jubba region.
The government of Somalia said added that the meeting was planned to attack the base of Bar Sanguni, which houses the Government and Jubbaland forces.
The war on the terror group has proven to be a tough affair by the government of Somalia and neighbours including Kenya.