Questions have been raised over the capacity of Nairobi City county effectiveness in running Mama Margaret Uhuru Hospital which is currently on transfer from being handled by Kenyatta National Hospital under the management of the national government.
The level 5 facility located in Karibangi North and Korogocho was completed by the defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) after many years of neglect and has been under Kenyatta National Hospital as one of its satellites.
In his request for a statement, Karibangi North Member of County Assembly Joel Munuve wants answers on the plans the county has put in place to manage the facility and if there was a public participation over the transfer.
According to Munuve, Nairobians especially those who live near the facility needed to give their input on whether the transfer is needed.
“The county does not have the capacity to manage the hospital. What were the reasons behind the request of transfer? ” Munuve questioned citing article 43(1) (a) of the constitution which requires the highest attainable standard of health services.
“Mama Margret Uhuru Hospital was the only public hospital in the country for kids. They were in the final stages of making it a general hospital with a section of kids.” He noted.
If you look at hospitals run by the country, our county cannot be able to run that facility at all.” Munuve added.
He stated that Kenyatta National Hospital is willing to continue running the facility which is currently closed after the transfer request of the Sakaja-led administration.
The legislator stated that their main role is service delivery and he doesn’t understand where there needs to be a push and pull on who is making money from the hospital and who is not.
“Our main goal is always to ensure service delivery and our people are served well and not who is making money from the facility or not.” He said.
According to the Karibangi North MCA, no negligence has ever been reported in the facility and it has been a people’s choice since it’s opening.
Previously this year, Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja told the Informer Media Group that they were in the final stages of reverting the level 5 hospital back to the city County and make it a general hospital.
According to the governor, the facility would serve more people if converted to a general hospital and not a pediatric only.
“We are in the final stages of having Mama Margret Uhuru hospital back to Nairobi County from Kenyatta National Hospital and making a level 5, 400 bed capacity hospital to serve the huge population in the slum areas.” Sakaja stated.
Sakaja said that it is on rare circumstances that the hospital receives referrals a statement that harshly dismissed by Karibangi North MCA who said the facility serves hundreds of people from the City.