World Health Organisation asks Kenya to adopt abortion rules
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has asked Kenya government to reconsider the new abortion guidelines terming it a progressive step towards ensuring that women can make their own abortion decision and protect the over 25 million women and girls from unsafe abortions.
“Being able to obtain a safe abortion is a crucial part of health care,” said Craig Lissner, acting Director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO.
According to a statement released by WHO, the guidelines will play a major role in ensuring that simple primary care level interventions improve quality of abortion care provided to women and girls.
The guidelines also allow medics to instruct a woman over the phone on how to take abortion pills and then give different directions for aftercare.
Abortion in Kenya is illegal. The 2010 Constitution clearly states who should get an abortion but only under exceptional cases, including when a mother’s life is in danger and the event of rape.