Former councillors demand retirement benefits from Kitui county government
Former Councillors with defunct Kitui county and Municipal councils now want Governor Julius Malombe to pay them their retirement benefits he promised soon after he assumed the office.
The 140 former civic leaders who served for one term claimed that there was a scheme by the county executive to pay only those who served for more than one term a move they vowed to challenge even in
The leaders led by Lazarus Kivuyo said the governor promised to pay all who served as civic leaders regardless of the terms served and wonder why the county executive has reached a decision to pay only
those who served for two or more terms.
The leaders drawn from the entire county handed over their memorandum of complaint to the governor’s office on Friday in which they demanded a one on one meeting with the governor to air their grievances.
” The county assembly passed the budget for the payout early last year and up to now no money has been paid. Where has the money gone”, asked Kivuyo citing Machakos County where governor Alfred Mutua has paid all the former councillors.
If the county government approves the payment, the leaders will pocket up to Kshs 400,000 lump sum depending on the number of terms one served, he said.
” This is our right and should be seen as if we are seeking favour from anyone especially this time of electioneering”, said Kivuyo adding that the former civic leaders deserved compensation for the
services they rendered to the county.