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Police issue red alert of Al-Shabaab attack ahead of festivities

The police have issued a red terror alert of Al Shabaab millitants targeting key installations in Nairobi during the festive season.

According to police sources, the Nairobi West Mall, Capital Centre, The Garden City Mall, and T-Mall are some of the targeted areas.

Presbyterian guest house and conference centre in South B and our Lady of Queen of Peace Catholic Church is also among targeted areas.

The police have urged Kenyans to exercise caution since the rebel group may be planning to interrupt Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations at prestigious hotels and conference centers run by churches all around the nation.

Additionally, the police has called for increased surveillance in these highly-targeted areas.

The red alert comes barely days after a father and his son were Sunday morning killed when suspected al-Shabaab militants attacked a vehicle between Jabibar and Bamboo in Mandera North.

Locals said the gang was after the vehicle for use in Somalia where they are facing pressure from the local administration.

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