Residents of Limuru town were left in shock after an Administration Police Constable Edith Nyawira attached to Limuru Critical Infrastructure Police (CIPU) shot herself dead using her official gun.
According to a police report seen by The Informer, constable Nyawira used a scorpion rifle that had been issued to her while on duty.
Two police officers rushed to the scene and established that Nyawira had indeed committed suicide.
The incident happened today at midday when the deceased was supposed to report on duty at a local bank, police said.
“She shot herself in the mouth and bullets exited at the back of her head. The deceased was rushed to Limuru health centre where she passed on while receiving treatment,” a police report read.
According to a team that visited the scene, three spent cartridges were recovered.
Nyawira left behind two suicide notes for her sister and boyfriend.
The body of the deceased has since been moved to Tigoni Level 4 hospital while awaiting a post-mortem.
Nyawira’s suicide incident comes days after another police officer committed suicide by hanging himself in his house in Nabukon village, Turkana County.
Constable Francis Epem Erot, 44, of Lokitung police station hanged himself in his house.
The body was found in his bedroom on May 10. Police are yet to establish the motive.